Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

has anybody read the bunker diaries?

i mean i could very well be wrong but iirc there were forum issues relating to zalgo

none of which would be solved by censoring, warning, or providing alternatives

but since the forums have not self destructed i’m leaning towards me being wrong


@Chloe since i think your still awake, is this an okay method for using zalgo text or is it something more fundamental?

you summoned her wrong

use this


pretty sure it messes up the forums in some weird way i forgot

thats why im asking a mod

petition to rename spiders to cotton eye joes

they always leave you asking two things
where did it come from
and where did it go

I don’t think it should be used at all to be honest

I’m not sure where the problem stems from, but it can completely crash browsers for some people

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i see it as natural selection


reeee I can say fuck as much as I want
because swearing is explicitely allowed
let me swear, hecking heck


kat, you have disappointed me.

whatd i do this time

oh no katze

This thought process is interesting


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Alright then

I’ve heard of beef jerky, yet not dog jerky.