Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It must’ve leaked on Imgur somewhere

Do you want to know what
They could’ve signed up for some much worse sites
I’m fine with it

give me the email address for science reasons

Already checked haveibeenpwned

i meant i had worse websites, nerd

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anyone want to Minecraft

Hive or something

imagine having minecraft lmao
this post was made by the broke gang

we can do TiMV

i’m down

Let’s do it

Just gimme a minute

if i said yes would i get bullied again :eyes:

cannot make any promises

Probably not

Ok I’m getting on my ign is sulit again btw

Stream for me, nerd.

ok im doing a game of popcorn maf an d then i’ll join

yes stream for ans


What thing on minecraft are you doing

where are my head phones

I can join the vc and you can listen to me occasionally rage and my cat trying to get on my keyboard

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trouble in mineville I think

I see. Is that like TTT?

its like mafia but in minecraft so its like 100x worse but also 100x better

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