Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


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we need more italy counters

italy is eternal

katze: i want to start posting less overall and not hyperpost
jane: makes a GI class that basically forces me to hyperpost after 10 GI classes are made to stop me from hyperposting



no fun allowed

Fine, I’ll change it.

speaking of not hyperposting

ToSFM2 was my first game of me trying to post less

i was like… the upper side of middle posters (on D1)

i wonder how much i’d have posted if i played the game longer but real life events decided i wasn’t allowed to

at least so far the news has gone uphill from then

italy is its own class type

imagine flirting somebody and it returns the result “Your target is Italy!”

Is it better now?

Jane you are a nerd.

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imagine being kat and then you just get silently quickhammered with zero votes on you

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I need this to become a reality.


im not gonna care much about it

but like, i just get hammered D3-D4, or even earlier in a smaller game 90% of the time this class spawns :eyes:

I can’t, I’m in online class right now.

make that class about me

Maybe we should really not entertain that idea.

Wasn’t that what you wanted?

kat gets hammered with 0 votes on him
make it happen

(I’m gonna assume that means you don’t want a class based on you.)

I’m gonna do it anyway.