Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

it’s literally just pestilence but three times worse

Exactly, it should be at least 4.20x worse.

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since the tos kill mechanic is different to tol
it just fucking yeets everyone’s passives forever

Someone make a class based on me.

its gonna be a slanker class:^)

Sure, go ahead.

We should make a class out out Geyde instead.
And yes, I know that one exists already. We need more.

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Or The Mentalist, that’d be cool too.

what is the mentalist

so thats why you’re jane now :eyes:

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oh yeah by the way i’m awake now

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Go to sleep.


Or perhaps stay.

okay so who here wants to hear a very disturbing dream I had last night?

too bad
i dreamt that I gained the inexplicable and disturbing ability to shorten my fingers, bones and muscles on one side of my body to extend the other side
it was a very realistic dream

i can’t remember the plot of the dream much because I was too busy shortening my right middle finger as much as possible to create the Ultimate Middle Finger

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anyway so now i have gained the ability to mentally picture minor changes in my anatomy
so this should be fun once i figure out how to extend that to Being a Dragon™

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