Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

go watch it
its a really good series

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were you a member of the blue dragon



Are you still feeling like a katastrophe?

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also on an unrelated note i have to reinstall windows and im way too lazy to do it because i have an unreasonable hatred towards reinstalling windows (okay to be fair i have a decent reason)

but it’s like, definitely something i need to do eventually

but it’s also not super super super urgent so im gonna procrastinate doing it for a long time

i partially blame stress for this delay

thank you for coming to my ted talk


but less so

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Why not?

i dont know what its about and i don’t really feel like finding out

i also don’t really watch shows

i don’t have a good reason for that

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Hi kat!!!

Why am I not allowed to use more than three !!!s in succession?
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I am omnipotent :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

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Okay nevermind it realised it after a few seconds.

Test!!! !!!

hi vulgard!!!

why are you using so many exclamaiton points are you excited to see me :eyes:

grabs kat.


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wait no put me down
angry katze noises

but why!!!

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puts kat down.

grabs cat food.

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grabs bowl.

grabs bottle of milk.

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Places bowl on table.

Pours milk into bowl.

Fills bowl with cat food.

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i am being bribed

it’s working

Places bowl in front of kat.