Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

It objectively does.

both versions are bad
uk version was bad because ricky gervais is an unfunny asshat and the us version is unfunny because it has far too many executive producers and writers overwriting all the actually decent writers on the show

Ici vs Marshal
Ici vs Marshal

Everyone wants to see this happen

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bitch we just have different senses of humor

I think homestuck is unfunny dogshit but you don’t hear me saying it sucks

/Duel Marshal

Idk what homestuck is but it also sucks.

yes but the difference is that homestuck is a minor thing that sustained itself through being extremely specific and being absolutely amazing but only for people who are exactly like me (also acts 1-2 are dogshit i agree)

the office is fucking massive

Homestuck isn’t trying to be funny (or at least if it is it’s doing a miserable job)

the scale of a media does not make it any more or less objectively better

and i think that while there are more merits to the US version than the UK one, i think that its’ style of comedy is extremely overrated

again, it might be overrated

people make too big a deal out of it

but that does not make it worse, or unfunny

B99 great.

no it is trying to be funny
it’s just got a very specific sense of humour that you either like or absolutely hate

looking at something’s humor objectively (and humor is subjective), you can’t say it’s more or less funny because someone else thinks it’s more or less funny

Take it back :angry:

like i personally do like “haha fuck you we’re going to deliberately deflate the dramatic tension of getting [redacted] by suddenly inserting a parody of previous writing mistakes made back in Act 4” but that’s because i’m a sucker for metahumour

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i just think the office is really bad okay
and i don’t get why people like it so much


then say that you don’t think the office is funny or that you don’t like it

but calling it objectively unfunny is wrong

and like there are some funny jokes but i think the fact that a lot of the humour is derived from “look at how bad [x] is” or variations of it really deflates a lot of the jokes, even if it’s not as spiteful as some of Gervais’s other things

i’m not sure how somebody could read HS and think it’s meant to be taken entirely seriously, considering that andrew hussie has described it as a shitpost epic

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