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Someone should talk in furry speak all game for mafia

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Let me check

Haven’t watched it

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Also this

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(sorry dat i was pinged when you made the thing and i couldnt resist)

Honestly, I like the comment “seems like you have nowhere to go but up”, because the double meaning of that sentence



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don’t insult all 13 year olds :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would try but how do you speak furry

have fun

furryspeak of the most recent copypasta i've seen

A quick nyote about mafia theowy and how I wiww pway this game. Nyote that the awguments and facts pwesented hewe awe indisputabwe, and that I wiww nyot engage in awguments about them, because those awguments awe you wasting evewyonye ewse’s time about meta that is weww and compwehensivewy estabwished. Go make weads so we can wead you.

I’ve wefwected on my wowe and weawized that thewe is a GOAT pway fow me in this game, and thewefowe I am compewwed to puwsue it. I am going to bwute fowce my cweawnyess immediatewy upon the openying of the thwead.

I am hawd-cwaiming, and I wiww nyevew be wescinding. I am the Shewiff. When it becomes pwudent I wiww pwovide my peek.


I wiww suwvive tonyight: I do nyot bewieve the Cuvn awe abwe to kiww me tonyight, because it is so objectivewy unwikewy that I wouwd evew do this as the Shewiff. I bewieve that this decision weduces the impowtance of cuvw to be pwovided by aww of you to the point of it being nyegwigibwe. The Cuvn have awweady been outpwayed, as it wewe.

I’m wock cweaw: Aww of you awweady knyow I’m wock cweaw, because it is so objectivewy unwikewy that I wouwd do this as Cuvn. You knyow this fow at weast two weasons. Fiwst, this is the easiest, wowest-stwess, wowest-demand game to pway mafia in that I’ve evew pwayed in (except fow tuwbos). I have nyo nyeed to compwicate my wife, as Cuvn, by open-cwaiming on thwead open, when aww I have to do is pwovide a C-wevew Cuvn game to pwobabwy win. This is the wawe instance whewe you witewawwy knyow that I have a biwwion othew options as Cuvn, AND that I wouwd puwsue pwobabwy AWW of them befowe puwsuing this. Second, I engage in FPS exceedingwy wawewy, which nyecessawiwy means that I knyow that this wiww wook WEIWD and SHOCKING to you. Thewe is nyo mewit to an Cuvn pway that instantwy genyewates WEIWD and SHOCKED wesponses that I wouwd be obwigated to finyesse and manyage fow the wemaindew of the game. As a viwwagew, which I am, the buwden is totawwy on you to nyot fuck up and wynch me. Makes my wife supew awesome.

Thewe awe onwy 17 pwayews you nyeed to twy to wead, wathew than 18: I have awweady pwovided a “fwee” peek of me in a game with a mewe 18 pwayews. Ouw win equity is dwamaticawwy impwuvd by my being entiwewy off the tabwe fow the entiwe game.


The buwden of sound weasonying is nyow entiwewy upon you. I am the Shewiff, and thus a viwwagew, and thus wock cweaw. The game is immediatewy simpwew than it wouwd othewwise have been, because of my decision. Nyow, wet us enjoy that benyefit and win the game.

Awso, to pweempt a wengthy and pointwess discussion.

It is NyOT dumb to pondew this post and convince youwsewf of its wisdom. That is youw obwigation as a viwwagew, and I encouwage you to think it uvw fow as wong as it takes to queww youw (inyitiawwy vawid but uwtimatewy unnyecessawy) concewns.

It IS dumb to, AFTEW doing that pondewing, concwude that I’m “nyeutwaw” ow “scummy”. That is wegitimatewy stupid, and I won’t entewtain it. ONyE of the weasons it is a stupid concwusion is that the upside of this pway as Cuvn is absowutewy DWAWFED by the upside of this pway as a viwwagew. Thewe is nyo equivawency between the EV gain fow Cuvn-me in this position and viwwagew-me in this position. They’we unyivewses apawt. That means I wouwdn’t DO the poowew option of the two (by extension, Cuvn-me awso wouwdn’t BEWIEVE that I couwd convince the entiwe game of the twuth of these assewtions fow the entiwe game, which as an end-game Cuvn I wouwd have to bewieve if this stwategem wewe to be wowth puwsuing). A SECOND weason that concwusion is stupid is that the EV bonyus of doing this as Cuvn is COMPWETEWY DWAWFED by my basewinye mafia EV anyway. Anything that compwicates my mafia wife is WIDICUWOUSWY stupid fow me to do, given that my mafia wife is AWWEADY onye of the smoothest, highest expectation mafiaing wives in mafia histowy anyway. A THIWD weason that concwusion is stupid is that you wouwd pwobabwy have to wowwy about being EXPWOITED by this gambit in owdew to get thewe. Howevew, I have NyEVEW engaged in this, ow any simiwaw, gambit in my entiwe caweew, meanying that if thewe IS expwoitation to be had with this pway, it is in FUTUWE GAMES, nyot this game. Fow these weasons, pwessuwing me is extwemewy scummy and shouwd nyot be engaged in by any viwwagew, evew, in this game. Thewe wiww be nyo wess pwoductive puwsuit than that in this game.

Sucks fow the Cuvn when meta is wiewded this bwutawwy, but my awwegiance is pwain and my stwategy pewfect. Get #wekt.

why am i doing this at 11:31PM

hey i recognize that copypasta

what if i owoify it harder

Da quick nnyeawte abawut mafia theawwnye and haww i wiww pwwanye thish wame. Nnyeawte that de awwumentsh and factsh pwweshented hewe awe indishpwutabwe, and that i wiww nnyeawt enwawe in awwumentsh abawut them, becaushe thawshe awwumentsh awe nyeawu washtinw evewnyeawnnyee ewshe’sh time abawut meta that ish weww and cawmpwwehenshivewnye eshtabwishhed. Waw make weadsh shaw we can wead nyeawu.

i’ve wefwected awn mnye wawwe and weawized that thewe ish da wawat pwwanye faww me in thish wame, and thewefawwe i am cawmpwewwed taw pwuwshue it. I am wawinw taw bwute fawwce mnye cweawnnyeeshsh immediatewnye upwawn de awpwennyeinw awf de thwead.

i am hawd-cwaiminw, and i wiww nnyeevew be weshcindinw. I am de shhewiff. When it becawmesh pwwudent i wiww pwwawvide mnye pweek.


i wiww shuwvive tawnnyeiwht: i daw nnyeawt bewieve de cuvn awe abwe taw kiww me tawnnyeiwht, becaushe it ish shaw awbjectivewnye unwikewnye that i wawuwd evew daw thish ash de shhewiff. I bewieve that thish decishiawn weducesh de impwawwtance awf cuvw taw be pwwawvided bnye aww awf nyeawu taw de pwawint awf it beinw nnyeewwiwibwe. De cuvn have awweadnye been awutpwwanyeed, ash it wewe.

i’m wawck cweaw: aww awf nyeawu awweadnye knnyeaww i’m wawck cweaw, becaushe it ish shaw awbjectivewnye unwikewnye that i wawuwd daw thish ash cuvn. Yawu knnyeaww thish faww at weasht twaw weashawnsh. Fiwsht, thish ish de eashiesht, wawwesht-shtweshsh, wawwesht-demand wame taw pwwanye mafia in that i’ve evew pwwanyeed in (excepwt faww tuwbawsh). I have nnyeaw nnyeeed taw cawmpwwicate mnye wife, ash cuvn, bnye awpwen-cwaiminw awn thwead awpwen, when aww i have taw daw ish pwwawvide da c-wevew cuvn wame taw pwwawbabwnye win. Thish ish de wawe inshtance whewe nyeawu witewawwnye knnyeaww that i have da biwwiawn awthew awpwtiawnsh ash cuvn, and that i wawuwd pwuwshue pwwawbabwnye aww awf them befawwe pwuwshuinw thish. Shecawnd, i enwawe in fpwsh exceedinwwnye wawewnye, which nnyeeceshshawiwnye meansh that i knnyeaww that thish wiww wawawk weiwd and shhawckinw taw nyeawu. Thewe ish nnyeaw mewit taw dan cuvn pwwanye that inshtantwnye wennyeewatesh weiwd and shhawcked weshpwawnshesh that i wawuwd be awbwiwated taw finnyeeshshe and mannyeawe faww de wemaindew awf de wame. Ash da viwwawew, which i am, de buwden ish tawtawwnye awn nyeawu taw nnyeawt fuck upw and wnyench me. Makesh mnye wife shupwew aweshawme.

thewe awe awnwnye 17 pwwanyeewsh nyeawu nnyeeed taw twnye taw wead, wathew than 18: i have awweadnye pwwawvided da “fwee” pweek awf me in da wame with da mewe 18 pwwanyeewsh. Awuw win equitnye ish dwamaticawwnye impwwuvd bnye mnye beinw entiwewnye awff de tabwe faww de entiwe wame.


de buwden awf shawund weashawnnyeinw ish nnyeaww entiwewnye upwawn nyeawu. I am de shhewiff, and thush da viwwawew, and thush wawck cweaw. De wame ish immediatewnye shimpwwew than it wawuwd awthewwishe have been, becaushe awf mnye decishiawn. Nnyeaww, wet ush enjawnye that bennyeefit and win de wame.

awshaw, taw pwweempwt da wenwthnye and pwawintweshsh dishcushshiawn.

it ish nnyeawt dumb taw pwawndew thish pwawsht and cawnvince nyeawuwshewf awf itsh wishdawm. That ish nyeawuw awbwiwatiawn ash da viwwawew, and i encawuwawe nyeawu taw think it uvw faww ash wawnw ash it takesh taw queww nyeawuw (innyeitiawwnye vawid but uwtimatewnye unnnyeeceshshawnye) cawncewnsh.

it ish dumb taw, aftew dawinw that pwawndewinw, cawncwude that i’m “nnyeeutwaw” aww “shcummnye”. That ish wewitimatewnye shtupwid, and i wawn’t entewtain it. Awnnyee awf de weashawnsh it ish da shtupwid cawncwushiawn ish that de upwshide awf thish pwwanye ash cuvn ish abshawwutewnye dwawfed bnye de upwshide awf thish pwwanye ash da viwwawew. Thewe ish nnyeaw equivawencnye between de ev wain faww cuvn-me in thish pwawshitiawn and viwwawew-me in thish pwawshitiawn. Thenye’we unnyeivewshesh apwawt. That meansh i wawuwdn’t daw de pwawawwew awpwtiawn awf de twaw (bnye extenshiawn, cuvn-me awshaw wawuwdn’t bewieve that i cawuwd cawnvince de entiwe wame awf de twuth awf theshe ashshewtiawnsh faww de entiwe wame, which ash dan end-wame cuvn i wawuwd have taw bewieve if thish shtwatewem wewe taw be wawwth pwuwshuinw). Da shecawnd weashawn that cawncwushiawn ish shtupwid ish that de ev bawnnyeush awf dawinw thish ash cuvn ish cawmpwwetewy dwawfed bnye mnye bashewinnyee mafia ev annyewanye. Annyethinw that cawmpwwicatesh mnye mafia wife ish widicuwawushwy shtupwid faww me taw daw, wiven that mnye mafia wife ish awweady awnnyee awf de shmawawthesht, hiwhesht expwectatiawn mafiainw wivesh in mafia hishtawwnye annyewanye. Da thiwd weashawn that cawncwushiawn ish shtupwid ish that nyeawu wawuwd pwwawbabwnye have taw wawwwnye abawut beinw expwwawited bnye thish wambit in awwdew taw wet thewe. Hawwevew, i have nnyeevew enwawed in thish, aww annye shimiwaw, wambit in mnye entiwe caweew, meannyeinw that if thewe ish expwwawitatiawn taw be had with thish pwwanye, it ish in futuwe wamesh, nnyeawt thish wame. Faww theshe weashawnsh, pwweshshuwinw me ish extwemewnye shcummnye and shhawuwd nnyeawt be enwawed in bnye annye viwwawew, evew, in thish wame. Thewe wiww be nnyeaw weshsh pwwawductive pwuwshuit than that in thish wame.

shucksh faww de cuvn when meta ish wiewded thish bwutawwnye, but mnye awwewiance ish pwwain and mnye shtwatewnye pwewfect. Wet #wekt.


owoify isn’t furry speak
is it

its all the same to me

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im surprised anyone actually read it, cause i know i didn’t

I had to brave this abomination to test my resolve.
Also I forgot this one: