Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Yet what did the rest of the town say? Oh they scoffed at my read on Kat.
Kat you were Lookout I remember.

Not to mention that these forums aren’t worthy enough to handle two Dybus.

i mean in my opinion i’m glad to die if it means a scum dies next
dying for the solve is a cause i can get behind

What about a Dabu

wait no


i mean, like i said

if i was coven, NK, citizen, jailor

i woulda posted the same thing

DabuDybu DabuDybu

What about

get the hell out and sleep already.


i’m just saying
trying to get a consistent read out of the local lunatic is definitely a lost cause

Is this where I set my goal to “produce 100% perfect soulread on Italy every game”.

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marshal seems to have an okay one on me

i’m a very slippery snake
i’ll dodge lynches just because “there’s a better person”

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you’re the local madman
at best

The holy rand was unconvinced of that one.
Actually wait I think the rand was broken before the day ended.

there was never a rand on me

because ami fucking cheated–

im closer to a madman than you are

you underestimate my insanity

Fixed it before you did, nerd.
