Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

imagine sleeping

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katze admit because katze know truth
katze know katze scum
katze has tmi
vote katze
dybudabu dybudabu

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vulgard stop you’re scaring me

i’m not sure how i can calculate thirty steps ahead in mechanics but couldn’t socialize if my life depended on it
(which it technically does if you count your slot as a life?)
and yet i still manage to worm my way out of 80% of situations where death isn’t literally guaranteed

Hey have a good night.

Making social reads and pushing the game in certain directions might help you with that. Otherwise you have nothing to point at.

I was in LyLo recently (offsite) where 1 person buried 2 wolves and the other did nothing all game. Regardless of both of their alignments, the logical thing for me would always be to vote the person who did nothing.

dybu dabu dybu dabu

why make reads when you can just roll a fucking dice and shoot somebody like it’s russian roulette

i don’t actually do this but when the time comes somebody’s death will probably be decided by a coin flip

okay but


the other guy

so fun fact
i have never missed an ITA
god of ITAs title when

When you buy it.

I know.

ur still the biggest person than me

What is that even supposed to mean.

i know the game hes talking about

in short words, LyLo was

basically confscum, basically conftown (these two weren’t gonna be voted, for reasons im too lazy to explain)

then vulgard, the 2nd scum, and the other guy

the other guy had hard pushed a wolf the day prior and if any other wolf had gotten lynched then scum woulda won because that was the poisoner

but he was also by far the most toxic player ive ever seen in FM

the 2nd wolf did basically nothing all game

vulgard voted the right player but like

in his position i probably vote the toxic dude because it was bad



Isn’t that really stupid regardless of his behavior.

there were valid reasons to think he was scum

im too lazy to get too deep into it, tbh