Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

see i believe this

but i am really weird when it comes to playing games

i don’t know how to describe it, but pressing play is by far the hardest part

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get drunk first then :^)

being drunk has historically not changed that much

launch the game
get up to go get something then come back
that’s what i do




i cant

stop being a scaredy kat


im not scared

then press play coward


dew it
let the game flow through you

its too late to play tonight anyway

and i got other games to play right meow

so one day…

I just had a really terrible idea

tell it if u please

FM but appealing to meta (either someone else’s or your own) is a modkillable offense


run from it, dread it
destiny arrives all the same

setup should never directly influence how people make reads

I did say it was a really terrible idea

so i get modkilled for existing

can i do this in my next game :stuck_out_tongue:

why am i crying

blonde really does hit different late

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