Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

My solution is to just do the first thing that comes into your mind. If it doesn’t work after you’ve given it a chance, try something else.

hey vul i have a question


I’ve been trying to start the picture that I wanted to work on for 4 days now.
The laziness is overpowering.

wanna hold hands

haha just kidding



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I kinda get it. Try to find something that motivates you to do things, then? For me it’s music. I work so much better if I’m able to listen to music.

holds out hand

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Another thing is that I should be going to sleep right now if I want to wake up at a reasonable time of 2 AM.
But I don’t want to sleep.

go sleep
it’s very good and nice

woah woah woah woah WOAH WOAH WOAH

keep it pg-13 ami wtf


Handholding? On my forum?


Christian forum*

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Christian Minecraft Forum

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why do you think everybody plays Minecraft? You can’t hold hands if your hands are fucking cubic stumps.


I’m using this as an insult next time I get a chance.


This reminds me of a chess joke I heard once.

You see I actually don’t play minecraft :eyes:

“The reason 1 e4 ke2!! is such a strong opening is because it blocks off your Bishop and Queen, preventing you from overextending them early, which is a classic blunder of 1 e4. It is one of many reasons that the Bongcloud Attack is the strongest chess opening.”

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