Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

No I think they gone

cats are way smarter than they look

i had a cat
and i’m pretty sure that little shit would actually turn off the lights
i’m not even sure how he got up there, but somebody kept flicking that switch

Italy have you ever considered the possibility that your plague doctor outfit could move even when you are not in it?

but i always wear the plague doctor outfit, it keeps me safe from the plague


spoiler: i AM the plague doctor outfit

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So I’m not sure if this is really against the rules or not, however I remember having like ten or so alt accounts that were made previously for an all alt game, however because when I was making them automod didn’t like them so I had to stop making them, however I still have those accounts.

If anyone (unless the moderators ask me not to give out alt passwords/usernames) wants an alt to play in a game on here just ask me

There’s not 10, there’s 7 I just counted

I stan bicheal

Blood for the blood gods!


my new band name is garlic brad. its a band and everyone is named brad in it. they all have garlic clothing and their songs are all puns about garlic and occasionally bread or vampires. they never mention garlic bread at all, not even once.


Oh you meant my own blood?
But I wanted dybu blood

Any blood is fine.

Oh ok
Stabs dybu some more

I’m surprised nobody has said the obvious quarantine pun yet.

Depending on how many posts there are by the time I wake up, I may have found the perfect video for this.

Yes that’s against the rules. Creating an illegitimate alt is obv bad, but using an alt is bad as well too.

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yall ever wake up at 7:30 :sunglasses:


you ever just wake up at 2 am