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forum: ur green if you were red u would die
arete: ):<

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am I green again


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you havent been green for me for a long time

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Depends on how you would build that game
I don’t know if people love the flavor

Harry Potter pretty cool. U need ps1 hagred

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iiiiiiii probably wanted to reply here

Also like bought a board game yesterday. First time saw it for retail price. Today back marked up 50 bucks as it is sold out atm

Feel so hype

how did I get here

@Aelin i’ll take either

ill take whatever you give me :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey dat
Can you spare like 5 minutes

Yeah sure

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Alright. Let me make the roles, and I’ll see how comfortable I am with them. If I think they’re good, I’ll pre-in you as a player. If I think they might need some work, I’ll add you as a co-host?

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(assuming it makes it past review of course)

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fuk yeah
let’s do dis

eevee after 3 secs: Harry potter FM rejected lmao

I’d be heartbroken

Change to better wizard flavor like insert polish wizard tv show