Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ok but are u nuclear

I had a dream last night. I don’t remember how I figured out it was a dream, but it was due to some logic. After that, nothing really bad happened except that I was panicking for some reason that I can’t comprehend now and was like a mix between being excited and wanting to wake up. I wish I didn’t wake up.

I am not nuclear
So you can’t ship me with Nuclear

I probably have more TMI than anyone else lol


I don’t want to even imagine the flavor of such abomination.

because if you did I would fucking die

So i wont comment

Panic attacks when you think you somehow went and talked into an on going game instead of the cookie thread


Mortal minds cannot COMPREHEND the combination
Only through several years of honing my techniques have I reached enlightenment

I’m pretty sure we have the same amounts of information on this specific case.


Don’t yell at me, I wouldn’t be doing this if you hadn’t forgotten the “sure”.

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Perhaps. I’ve got no clue how you know what you know.

I was a survivor of the Tacocalypse, one of the traitors of the Taco faction
I realized the true potential, and broke my bindings in order to ascend

Joke’s on you, this is an ongoing game and I have n0 redcheck on you.
Defend yourself, scum.
/accuse Firekitten

Cult magic, of course.

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There is no cult
It’s a conspiracy theory

Does anyone know why Isaac left
I miss him ):

Yes this is actually an Unseen game

/Gladiate WaterKitten


He became john cena

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