Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

@Icibalus any interest in Artemis Fowl FM?

@Aelin Create harry potter FM designcord if it doesn’t already exist and shoot me an invite pls.

What’s a designcord

A discord server where ppl who design a setup use to talk about the setup and perfect it before the review phase

Oh sounds very fun, and I could definitely use some help with this because hooooooly

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@N.1 sent!

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Is anyone currently available for taking a look at my set-up for the Harry Potter game and helping me make sure it is balanced/fun?

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HP is literally my favourite series, but I’m not an official reviewer.


that’s what reviewing is for

but I’d be happy to look at it later on I like Harry Potter too

wait is that what reviewers do? That makes sense oof

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Next day:
Planes are found in the air!

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If you want unofficial reviewing, I’m fine to help, but you should get another reviewer on afterwards. Just saying.

Check your DMs :+1:t2:


arete red!

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Should I eat this donut?
@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: Better not tell you now