Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Jgoes go sleep.

I am.
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I will forever be mysterious
And also forever forget to set the gender


go to sleep
go to sleep
go the fuck to sleep

No, it’s 00:08 now

Amelia is a he
You know that right

Inferior timezones out :^)

I’m actually surprised you have a decent sleeping schedule to be honest.



oh i guess i should eat lunch

also just a quick reminder



what if i was your lunch

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Randomizer but katze and chloe’s flavor is also random


eat Chleb

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randomizer but the rules are also random

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oh am i writing randomizer flavor

i gotta actually
think about things

i can just do haikus

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Oh, there’s going to be flavor? Interesting.

C e a s e.

just make it a bunch of random words

i didnt even know about this

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