Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Youre cute

take it back


Hella cute


stop lying to everyone

Helllllaaaaa cute

hello forum mods please ban chleb for lying :frowning:

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Manual Like

Joke’s on u
I run a version of chrome from the future that no longer supports Flash

i hate heat

Objectively bad.

The sentence “Icibalus hates heat” describes Icibalus’ opinion about heat.

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i mean come on
i like the sensation of water on my skin
but sweat
fuck sweat
you managed to ruin water somehow
how did you do that, heat

Okay but without heat we’d all be dead.

you make a point
but on the other hand no sweat

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I barely sweat anyway.

N.1 repent and join the ranks of the glorious Firefox users.

lucky bastard
also my glasses are dirty. my clothes are wet from the sweat, my back hurts, and there are no comfortable positions that allow me to keep using this computer, which is the only thing distracting me from the sensory malestrom

UI isn’t seamless enough for me
Same reason why i dont really use duckduckgo and dont play much MU

Ah, that’s a shame. I think Firefox has a lot cleaner and ‘crisp’ UI, but I suppose that depends on tastes.
Also I’m guilty of doing one of the two things listed below, but I’ll leave you guessing which :^)

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The last time i used firefox, i remember it being pretty shit compared to chrome
Maybe things have changed since then, idk.

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