Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

The internet.

Jane I hate you


I… just google specific gifs when I need one.

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You seem to like shiba inu’s a lot

I do.

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insert cat nodding no gif here

that’s a weird way of saying >

How long are you planning to stay awake btw.

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In that case, can I sleep forever in your stead?

But Ans

I’ll miss you.

I totally read bed instead of stead

The answer is the same for both

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…and other hilarious jokes I’ve heard on i42 forums.

Seriously, I wish I could sleep more now but I can’t.

“No” it is, then.

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I’m sorry, we don’t allow bad opinions to contradict the truth

live in florida and you’ll understand

arete green!
