Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

im still learning ok pls cut me some slack

@Vulgard pls forgive me?

Come on, I’m just teasing you. Ily.


there are almost certainly IRL WW groups where people insult each other (technically I cannot personally confirm this, but)

separately there are video mafia groups where people don’t particularly insult each other (I can confirm this one)

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I dont think they meant that there is such gap between WW And video mafia but more generally there being difference

And I also wouldnt say it’s Easy to find such group unless It’s With people you personally knew before for some time

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That seems too easy, tbh.

Find me one
If you get insulted irl and noone in the group does anything against it, you would just leave
You don’t have the problem that you are forced to spend several hours each day with not decent people for two weeks

i feel like its more accurate to say, no matter what you do, there is probability x that you find a group that does accept it and a probability y that does not. (to make this simple, we are assuming there are no other possibilities, that is, x+y=1).
however, your actions influence these probabilities. if you do nothing then there is a baseline x and y depending on their numbers relative to the total amount of mafia groups, but you can influence to make it more likely that you find a more favorable group.
however, even so its possible that you might not, and it sometimes just takes time


Its much faster than Forum version though

Oh boy are we about to talk about emotional blackmail and stuff like that

…you could also do that in video mafia?

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I don’t know what the correct word is, but I feel like there is definitely a person who feels obligated to stay in it because they have no other people to talk to.

I’m not a thrower lul

well i mean.
if you do it with voice chat, and in particular only voice chat (aside from role cards maybe), so that people have to talk and listen to people talk, then you would come across the same phenomena as in RL WW


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No idea what you mean

Oh your talking about forum mafia

Video mafia isn’t forum mafia by the way

okay but video mafia doesn’t take particularly much longer to play than IRL mafia, so even assuming you want to stay until your game is over (or at least you’re dead in your game) you would have the same issue IRL

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I don’t know what I expected when I posted, but not this.