Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

fol sounds scary id rather do vanilla

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your shoes are untied
I’m not talking about if you are wearing them or not

my main shoes don’t have laces so this is technically correct

I am listening to the award ceremony for my high school and I’m like “ah yes I did absolutely nothing”


why am i getting ads for a house auction which the starting bid for is 700k

buy the house

aight ill be taking out a loan for 700k thousands

They only need one person to bid 700k to make a lot of money. That’s nothing compared to ad prices

my point is
im not interested in it nor could i afford it

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if i could afford it

why would i not have spotify premium

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delete this

Also imagine paying for a music subscription rather than just buying your songs

i just get creative with my music acquisitions


why does windows want to update

ugh, i guess its that time of the year where i actually reinstall this OS

not like they are seeing much from me streaming it anyways

someone is probably though

Hence the direct purchase :slight_smile:

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kinda crazy to think about