Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I heard shamans were in the dumpster again but since I don’t play one, I can’t verify it.

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lol!restrodruid’s ground heal spell for numbers
lol!mistweaver monk’s revival all-target mass dispel
lol!holy priest’s literally every second spell they have is AoE, divine hynm, prayer of healing, holy word something
lol!holy paladin’s echo of light

lol!disc priest gets
nothing, absolutely nothing that can target the entire raid for very long
closest thing is power word barrier which is a 3m cooldown and people don’t seem to step in it anyways

Which doesn’t contribute to numbers of healing because it’s damage reduction

But yes let’s keep the Restro Shaman spamming
chain heal
chain heal
chain heal
chain heal
Vexiona: wipes raid to despair after I’m pooled and have to run away and can’t heal despair target
Raid Leader: DiSc PriEsT YoU HavE LoweSt NumbErs

I’m not even sure how “meta” is Disc.
If you want me to I can look through my logs and tell you which healers we had but I understandably never paid attention to them because I’m DPS.

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Well if you’d like to see the amount of damage I’m preventing with Smite, Power Word: Barrier and even Power Word: Shield if your counter considers that damage prevention then go ahead

Disc Priest isn’t used because it’s harder than any other healer and why use disc if you have Holy which gets higher numbers

Tbh Disc Priest is much more valuable is M+ where you need that valuable damage to beat the timer and it’s also not as AoE reliant but it’s definitely still competent

make a wow thread


Well looking through, our healers during 5 weeks of clearing were:

So yeaaah.

I agree that we shouldn’t be spamming this one with WoW stuff that much.
Was about to say it myself.

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Okay, do you want to make it?

I’ll pass.

time to tell xblade to transfer ownership of the WoW thread to anstreim

I’m going to smack you.
Did you actually reinstall your OS btw.

not yet, im too lazy

ill prob do it before i go to sleep

or later this week

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like reinstalling windows isnt even that bad and im already really prepared for it, ive done backups of most of my shit and prepared a USB literally months ago

im just really lazy

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I mean, I share the opinion. I had to reinstall windows right away once because I fucked with the registry and messed things up lmao. It’s really not that bad and like you, I backup my things.

Also I can relate to the laziness part.

i always get nervous i forgot to back something up

even tho i never really have

the first time i ever reinstalled windows it killed a hard drive though so i have PTSD

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