Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

there’s this really popular hunter strat where you claim alch who found claimed neut as death immune and then get executed on stand for it


Kat come play ToL, these nerds make me want to try new things.

I used to claim Alch d1 a lot as Hunter
it was extremely effective

the neut who can become death immune was death immune

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this is different though

because they didn’t really attack, they become outed ‘sorc’ and arrow prince or something dumb

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That’s how it works, pretty much.

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pick better times to say this stuff :wink:

See, that’s the issue. My current sleeping schedule won’t ever allow us to play together.


Good morning Sulit.

new number -1000 poster gets a cookie

30211th poster gets a cookie

oh shit gz

next cookie at 30212

Next cookie at 33333 or riot

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i second 33333

y’all just forgetting 31415 like that



34567 or nerd

but the reason they think this is that it’s usually true

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