Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You should read grande idea then

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I just spent almost 5 minutes freaking out because my car key wasnt fitting and I thought I bent it or some shit

I almost called my brother for the spare

I was fucking
My housekey

Which is half the damn size

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We smert

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this is why you’re my sister

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tfw you have to discuss/explain meta timelines (or even bring them up)


imagine going through 3+ years of game history to assemble a record

wouldnt be me


My friend actually did that.
+4 years of gaming on one game and now he’s on the championship.

boring story that proves sulit is indeed an old lady

So we put a bird feeder out in our yard right in front of a big window a bit ago so that birds would go there and our cat would watch them

It took like a month or two but just now we opened the window and a bird comes flying right in front of the window and my cat just freaks the hell out

She runs straight to the window and she’s been sitting there, hasn’t moved at all, for the past 10 minutes

This was probably not a very interesting story but my cat is scary the end

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i think my w/l ratio is like
2:1 but thats off the top my head and based on nothing but conjecture


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guys i did something right i think

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how would y’all feel about a karaoke night

i would be hella down

i actually might voice reveal if it happens


i would prob do like

maybe hrm

Saint Pablo

I keep forgetting that Marshal is 15 and its weird.


I think only wazz kyo and maybe isaac are below me

it just hit me


i feel old

Wait what, Wazza is younger?