Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

aw man

what’s a flail

well anyways if thats the case i doubt this would convince you but ima hang out in the underground jungle for a bit on master difficulty and some increased spawnrate, to see what enemies i see and what kills me, with my summon armor on so i can show you what i mean

chapter 6 rn i think
i stopped playing for now

solar armor best armor and i will fight you

i mean for what im doing its hallowed armor.
because im pre-plantera.
the pillars haven even spawned

in terms of summons that is

best overall is chlorophyte

and you’re enlisting help from somebody with full solar set including wings, an SDMG and a counterweighted terrarian?

im enlisting the help of another player whom i would equip.
its a journey mode world and unless that character is in journey mode you wouldnt be able to join

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this was before journey mode was even a thing :eyes:

anyways i turned off the increased spawn rate but in recompence took off the summon armor in exchange for chlorophyte. 2 summons max. saw 1 creeper at the edge of my screen once and only died twice and only to the arm thingies that can go through walls.
after that i started to move a little bit just to dodge those things’ bullets

i mean yeah okay but im in journey mode and stuff made before 1.4 are by default not in journey mdoe

We don’t read other people because it’s cute. We read others because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And FPS, POE, Mechanics, these are noble pursuits and necessary to win mafia. But reading others is what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, “O me! O life!.. of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless… of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?” Answer. That you are here - that mafia exists, and identity; that the game goes on and you may contribute a read. That the game goes on and you may contribute a read. What will your read be?

I tried forcing this to fit mafia and it went terribly ask me anything




purse owner?

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Echoes and Three Houses are phenomenal

fine true
But most of the great ones are still pre-3ds