Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i forgot reposting was a thing


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n.1 doesn’t know internet culture well enough to know that everything is a repost and nothing is original

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I willfully stay away from it
Since i despise memes.

Does anyone know why memesky left

did he have a falling out with anyone

Likely lack of interest


How good was he as a player

Plus a bunch of people incessantly chanting for you to ‘come back’ might not help
That’s projecting of course


That’s the best answer to answer the question

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why do ppl keep begging for his return

Because it’s a meme

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If there was a game where every player was memesky using a different alt
Who would win

Joke has passed around so much that it’s become more of a motto than anything legitimate

Game would be decided by rand since nobody would be online

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Who was the best host who was gone for good since when i joined the forum for the first time on february 1st, 2019, and has never returned since

and why?

I would guess pug

Because marl

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