Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)



They don’t die since they are protected

0 lives
Babysitter kill is a vengeful effect that resolves after other kills

decided to break my offsite shell to replace into a mountainous game right before LyLo

i knew it would take me less than 72 hours so decided fuck it

game didn’t have locked votes which is rEEEEEEEE

ended up voteparked on a wolf (who happened to be marl) but a villager tried to CFD last minute and the lurking wolfbuddy voted the CFD target (off of marl because votes were not locked and there was no maj!!!)

overall not that sad


let’s say you die
how many lives are lost

not sad

played fairly well

just a fucking plurality + no locked votes LyLo meant that an easy wolf lynch was eventually not that.

although the host moderrored the previous nightkill and so wolves probably would have won anyways

civ 6
horsemen and swordsmen do the same amount of damage
but horsemen go twice as fast

except horsemen cost less to make, too

Horsemen get countered hard by spearmen, tho.


Out tbh

Vote locking is honestly something that, once you have seen it in action, you will never go back


Games run on sites that have had it in other games that do not also use it blow my mind

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I haven’t really played Civ since 3

But I played Civ 3 all the time back in the day

How does 6 compare to 5/4? I’ve played a fair bit of both but have yet to touch 6.

Or how does it compare to 3 if anyone else was playing civ back in the early 2000’s

combat isn’t luck based anymore

I think you should try 5.

Civ 6 is completely different than Civ3/4.

literally the best thing about it
combat isn’t about luck

I have played 5

My question is how does 6 stack up to previous entries because I’ve played all of them since the turn of the century

baba yetu

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baba yetu hype af


I overall didn’t like 4 as much as 3 but baba yetu is incredible

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