Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

@katze @sulit

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Full disclosure

I had assumed this was a video essay when it kept popping up in my recommendations so I ignored it for over two years

how did you enjoy 3
the fighting system was terrible and haunts my dreams

Okay I will admit that losing a tank to a lucky warrior could be insane

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I liked stacking units

Fight me

losing an elite to a conscript was where i drew the line

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that also sucked lel

i would rather leave my life in the hands of the fate polyhedron compared to the civ 3 battle system


You guaranteed a win in Civ 3 by just stacking shit


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Law of Large Numbers

join the game, nerd

And it all worked until the expansions gave Gandhi nukes

no u

I already did


who wants to hear me sing this

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image image
the things i’m proud of

also i’m just saying
a master yoyo bag + terrarian is fucking unfair

i can throw two terrarians out at once

Hardest Civ 5 Achievement. Pax Romana Aeternum: Win as Western/Eastern Rome and have all your original cities at the end of the game on Deity.

Ok one of the hardest Civ 5 achievements.

i see that meowmere