Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

took me 5 minutes to come up with “stop claiming my stuff before i claim your life”

except i’m against a bunch of AIs so they can’t even hear me being really clever

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stop claiming
claiming bad


Totally didn’t claim Mayor D1 one time with few votes on me.

I’ll never forget finding NK as Noble N1 with Gossip giving no feedback.
They were the most useless results I’ve ever seen.
Until NK was lynched and flipped D2.

standing right here

Oh hi Italy. Awkward silence.

Here’s hoping games don’t get re randed due to someone posting actions in main thread.

death star testing in progress

wait no
if i’m gonna test a weapon i’m calling the death star
i can’t not find a habitable world, rename it to Alderaan and then nuke it

Grand Moff Tarkin has declared war on life.

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a total win for the empire

This is a random question, but is it possible to PM yourself, so that you have a private space where you can design/write roles and stuff? It would be extremely useful for setup design. I’ve been using Google Docs so far, but when I copy the roles to Discourse, I’ll have to reformat everything anyway.

I suppose I could create an alt, PM them, and resolve it that way, but it kinda feels like dodging possible preestablished rules. Also, I’m not sure if PMs are permanent. Would suck to lose everything because I didn’t write any updates for a while.


i format wallposts in a self-pm before posting in game threads all the time

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just dm disco

the only downside is that they dont show up in the image letter tab

and you have to go to Messages > Sent
to find self-pms

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i dont think this is a mod-only thing?

These two seem different…? Also, I’m scared they might not be permanent. I keep imagining that I’m going to lose all progress if I don’t update frequently enough or reach the upper limit of posts somehow.

I’m also kinda worried that somebody’s watching, even though they shouldn’t be able to.


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nobody is watching lmfao

also let me check
i believe i still have self-pms from like
half a year ago

you could just DM someone and then remove them from the DM before making it i guess