Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

not really I’m not that good

Demon Scythe and Flower of Fire are the only cool ones and you can only get them toward the end of pre-hardmode progression. Not cool.

Water Bolt is good but it’s basically RNG whether you can get it pre-Dungeon or not.

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I would know
Mage is one of my favorites
Pre hardmode you do get some fun stuff like waterbolt

Magic Missile is top kek. Situationally useful I guess, and the hell version I forget the name of is strictly better.

vanity slots are a thing

Ah yes
You haven’t heard of S P A C E G U N

Which I don’t count as a mage weapon.

i think they changed it so that you can’t get water bolt pre-skeletron

I mean
It does magic damage and is boosted by magic armor

Wow, so Mage is even more atrocious to play pre-Hardmode. Nice.

You literally have nothing to fight with before Dungeon, and even after Dungeon your options are highly limited.

Unless we consider lolstaves good weapons.

Wand of Sparking :^)

eh, in a crimson world theres the crimson rod

since when is prism pre-hardmode?
i ask because thats the point of what vul was saying, how mage is, according to them, not that fun pre-hardmode

Bruh. Like, it’s good that it has pierce, but the range is garbage.

i mean
im over here using tiki armor and a pre-hardmode summoning item

True. Probably the only good weapon in the pre-Dungeon group.

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iirc it got buffed to autotrack if you let go now

did they?

wow they fucking did

that sucks

Or just play any mod
Mage gets far more stuff in mods

it’s post-moonlord