Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)


Opposite for me, music is extremely distracting even if I don’t ever listen to songs.
It’s strange.

Now I’m imagining a Cult Leader trying to take over Adiart but getting distracted and starting to dance because someone’s playing music.

if i don’t listen to anything i get distracted or my short attention span kills me

but if i want to focus really really hard then i pause it for a bit

not german, no

Do you ever eat so much you feel like sleeping
That’s me rn
I feel like I’ve ate so much it’s going to come out of my throat, overflowing

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If I ever eat a little bit more than I should I start feeling extremely sick, to the point of feeling like

I feel like I’ve ate so much it’s going to come out of my throat, overflowing

And for some reason I’m imagining this sickness now which isn’t making it better.

Cannot relate.

ive done this like twice ever

i usually undereat but birthday dinners :eyes:

Skeletal gang asse–
Hold on, but you are chunky.

:angry: are you calling me fat

No I’m not and you know it.

It definitely doesn’t feel appropriate to type out ‘thicc’ though.

Katze thicc :flushed:

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I’m so sorry

who is talking bad about my daughter :newspaper_roll:

Amelia no.


Stop bussing me.



king dragon sends his regards