Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Arete I need to show this to you when this game ends.

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What if they already used 2f1

To be honest I almost expected it but.

yeah i didnt really get that far ahead i just wanted to brainstorm an idea that’d solve one problem that isnt really a real problem

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also enforcer is support correct?


i didnt think this idea THAT far ahead

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you would need to change class type with your suggestion

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This is not a solution, instead it brings more issues.
Also like it was said before, getting converted and only having 3 charges of Guard is less than ideal. Keep Frenzy as is.
The only few ‘logical’ ways to change it, as I see it, is to either:
-Make is a 1 charge regular attack so converting a Knight adds KP;
-Make Enforcer the one to visit Assassin’s targets.

And second change isn’t really related to this discussion but something I would want to see in general.
Situations like mine are rare (but painful), yet in the end ToL is a team game. If my team refuses to listen, its a human factor – not a game factor.



was just an idea that came to my head

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I think we should have the option to kill a player if they are dumb automatically

maybe like, a voting type system



Well trust me it was pretty unfun to lose to an Assassin that had to be hounded into playing the game properly and refused to listen in the most crucial moment, but what can I do :^)

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maybe have a trial feature?

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just threaten to bus them if they don’t do what you say

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As much as I know this is a meme, it was not an option. Our MM was jailed/executed the same night (even better, Prince explicitly told me he was doing it), so bussing him was never a consideration.

anyway goodnight

Good night.

night !

Anyway Arete, this was my fate that game :^)

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cats sleep all day but i feel like you don’t sleep enough