Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Remember when u did a thing for nappy

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What do people think was the best / most enjoyable game I’ve co-hosted thus far, and why

I don’t know which games of yours I’ve participated in.

I don’t think you were in any of them?
I co-hosted FoL 24, SFoL 57, SFoL 58, Ritual Mafia IV, Blood on the Forums IV, and Insurgency.

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You crash into the ground and parachute at the last minute.

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@Alice from what I recall you like to read me based off how flashy I try to appear. I’ll like to say that meta read is going to be inaccurate in future games, most notably for the simple reason that if you are in a game and I try to appear flashy, I am appearing flashy in spite of you being in the same game with me. What that means is you are going to have to try to find a different way to read me.

I don’t really know how I’m going to play in Amrock Cult Game, however this is basically me telling you pre-game that I may attempt to appear flashy as a villager in that game because I want to.

it seems like my WiM for just about everything is plummeting and always seems to continue to plummet
it hurts and idk how to make it stop

im def still sane, but it just seems like my depression keeps getting more and more intense

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Animal crossing was def a good remedy for a time, but now it’s just getting repetitive and bland

My experience with Avatar was being dragged into the first two episodes and liking neither

Generally I’ve found a few things that really help include

  • Good sleep schedule
  • Good diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Some sort of job/project to apply yourself to
  • Proper separation of various elements of your life
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severe insomnia = this is always impossible

will address the others later

I have zero experience with insomnia but I’m sure there must be steps you can take to improve this

I’m by no means a doctor but if you make a serious effort I know you can make headway

And that point is honestly maybe the most important, if you actually want to change how you feel it’s going to take effort but for sure ensuring that your bedroom is only used for sleep is important

Important note - lying in your bed restlessly is not sleeping, don’t do it for more than like half an hour. Training your brain that your bed and bedroom are for sleep and only sleep can be tough, but if you aren’t already actively taking steps to do so, it’s a good starting point.

For example, many of us (and I am no exception) are prone to using our phones in bed. If sleep is a problem, this is the single easiest thing you can make an effort to change that is very likely to give results.

i’ve tried everything, trust me

In certain strains / intensities, it’s absolutely unbeatable

What better time to give it another go than quarantine?

Just be sure not to half-ass things or set standards too high. Both are liable to make you feel worse.

There’s never a magical cure

But procedural improvement?

I’ve tried at least five dozen times, really hard, within the past five years
I’ve never made any headway. At all.

I’ve already accepted that i’ll never be able to get a good night’s sleep without my meds, which force me to sleep 9-12 hours

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