Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You’re not wrong.


n y o o m

Cheating is wrong, you nerd.

okay but if you have an open book online test what do they expect

:angry: If they say you can only use the book, only use the book!

the internet is just a very big book



a very big interactive book

It is not a book.


Not book.

fuck me
you sound so much older than you are

are you sure about that
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Language is a great way to read people.
if i talk without punctuation and capitalization, I’m on phone
When I’m on Laptop, I normally write with punctuation and caps, unless I’m writing in a quick chat style.
When my grammar gets terrible, I’m probs tired as hell.

Nothing is worse than writing a wallpost without dots and commas…

there’s no point in not cheating on online tests. You probably should just ask your parents to do it instead/together with you

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what do you mean
wallposts written like this are super easy to read and don’t hurt the eyes whatsoever
i could write a wall of text like this with no issues at all
what’s the problem
are you implying you will not be able to read this?
how dare you suggest such a thing

i’m gonna pull an arete and say “to be clear, this is a joke”

as long as you start each sentence with a new line, its not as terrible

Back when I was young, I and my mother had a deal. If I’d get caught by a speed camera or similiar, we’d say it was her. Cuz if I’d get caught doing it in my young age, I’d have to do driving training again
It was never necessary but yea

can i blame you if i get caught speeding