Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

You forget that we’re all hippo alts

this is the part of the day where LG chloe goes and turns herself in to the authorities

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im going to play video games because that is what a responsible person should do when they can’t sleep

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I feel like you’re more Lawful Chaotic here


Also you should really try to sleep. I know this is generic advice, but get something warm to drink. Maybe cover your ears with a blanket when you sleep or something so the wind doesn’t disturb you much? Windy weather is really weird when you live in a house with thin walls, especially at night.

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shes 100000% LG

i just make her chaotic


Does not compute.



good? evil? what are those?

That’s the best alignment for you.

i like to think i’m chaotic good

Do you guys drink milk with ice

someone please contest thid

Neutral Good best alignment


I don’t drink milk in general but I think it should be fine as long as you drink it fast enough and the ice doesn’t melt.

It’s pretty good tbh

It keeps the milk nice and cold

And I like to eat ice

so it’s win win

ice t is based af

follow him on twitter

Now I want something to drink but I don’t want to go get it