Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I said it wasn’t true ):<

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Just select part of the post, the a qoute button should appear.

she also sleeps a lot

im talking about on MU not on discourse

Oh. That makes sense.

what did you do to the cat :open_mouth:

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i did squimsh

My cat lets me kiss her on the head now

Hugging is a no still

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that does actually sometimes work on MU

but other times I do that and then it quotes the whole post anyway

also it doesn’t work on mobile

playing mu on computer is over rated

It raises your thoughts competence by 10% while lowering your thoughts output by 30%

idk it never worked for me so i gave up trying

MU interface bad cmv

because it looks so WEIRD in the text box

I kinda want to try playing on mu again

but then I just don’t

amrock cult bastard

please no, spare me

im thinking of a number between 1 and 100

if you guess it then ill /in on that


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i knew you’d guess that

the number is 31

because 31 + 69 = 100


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