Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Who wants to play Stratego in like 3 hours?

which is actually where my opener comes in
if you can just waltz right in, you’d go for it, wouldn’t you?

but like
if priestess didn’t castle she would have lost there

I’m going through the chess analysis
Instead of doing the jumper fork, I could have set Jane checkmate in move 6.

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See, I’m blind as well :eyes:

i forgot to set the wall correctly and it opened up my king

You guys ever stood at the edge of a high place, looked down, and felt that desire to jump? Even though you wanted to live?


That’s called the call of the void. Surprisingly, it’s a normal sensation.


No. I’m terrified of actually doing it, so I’m staying away, at least when I’m standing.
But I like sitting there, looking in the world and enjoying the view (just not downwards), while still being completely safe.

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can someone pls tell me who left + who joined the forums while i was gone? i dont see hjasik or isaac anywhere or maybe i’m just blind

As though you aren’t sure whether you can control the impulse? Don’t worry, it’s not a self destructive urge. It’s actually the opposite; your will to live makes you step back, and your mind thinks, I wanted to jump off.

I don’t know about Isaac, but I know Emilia is just taking a short break for a few weeks.

Hjasik=Emilia. She’s still around, although she hasn’t played FM for a while.
We have some newcomers such as Chloe, katze, Leafia, ModeShifter, Oblight, Apprentice, etc. In fact, we have plenty.

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Solic is also on break, so is Tele, Shurian, and some more people. We have quite a rotation.

Shurian’s been around recently.

I mean that he isn’t playing for now.

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Also, how recent are you considering newcomers?
Some of those people have been around since last year.

Newcomers from Max’s perspective. He hasn’t been here for quite some time.

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Hey Jane, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you recommend the Mentalist?

I’d say its a 9.
But it’s a bit dark. I see “Mentalist” as the serious variant of “Psych” :wink:

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