Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i mean

i put myself in a situation where either she trades queens with me or i basically win the game

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What did you think I was trying to do?

oh, she took my unmoved queen with hers
i’m guessing her idea was that i wouldn’t be able to castle
the only problem is that i never castle :upside_down_face:


i didnt have to think as hard against you cause you weren’t thinking against me :wink:

nah i was in her backline

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You should go on an adventure with your King, it’s fun.

Get king to other side of the board

The ultimate challenge

And back again.

is there a rematch button i can’t see?


the ultimate bongcloud

yeah but i also don’t think its there anymore

just make a new one

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All this chess talk makes me wish I remembered how to play, but I’m too lazy to educate myself again.

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it was just a kamikaze move
she threw her queen into the fire to kill mine

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trading queens is optimal if you’re up



i saw that

You can play against me.

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I’ll pass.

can’t believe all the chess guides miss-spelled “get your king to the other side of the board” as “checkmate the other king” smh

