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only through true comprehension of the Bongcloud attack can the true nature of chess be divined

i just did it to her

turn 6


Jane want to play chess with me

(being serious for a moment, don’t use the bongcloud unless you really want to clown on your opponent by making them overextend themselves because of how profoundly awful your opening was. also, it does technically give you an advantage in endgame since having a developed king is good for endgames. which is a fact that makes it so much funnier to irritate people who aren’t in on the joke)


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yes i’m glad that we’re in argeement that the bongcloud is the strongest chess opening by far
after all, it covers one of the major weaknesss of 1 e4, the overextension of your bishop, by making it so you can’t easily develop your bishop

In like 20 minutes, sure.

i’ve given up on the puzzles
half the time “the best move” isn’t even close to the best

have you tried developing your king? that drastically improves your chances of winning at endgame!

you know the true gamer move?
saying “king me” after moving a pawn to the end of the board

i just murdered an italy

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i advise you don’t say another word or you will be completely obliterated

just promote your king into a pawn by getting it to the 8-rank and win instantly smh
white need not lose if they follow the Bongcloud Method


instead of killing the italy

i just checkmated her

kat i will destroy you

okay more accurately your opponent resigns immediately because they can’t mate you and they still think this game is about checkmates and come to think of it this would be a fantastic puzzle in an RPG

How many hecking mistakes have I done in this party

harem challenge
have 11 queens on a board :eyes:

like imagine if you’re in an MMO and there’s this inscrutiable chessboard, but just when you think you’ve mated your opponent it announces you have lost and resets the board, and there’s hints throughout the game that you in fact have to develop your king at midgame, and then promote it into a queen, and then it moves off of the board into a keyhole

i think that game you only made 3 bad mistakes

but one made it really hard for me to lose, and the other resulted in you guaranteeing yourself that your knight would die

but instead of letting your knight die you gave me a checkmate move