Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

i wanted to spectate so i joined and he was white so i memed and he memed and then he didnt meme and i kept memeing


I was also memeing at first but then I stopped.

Oh god

Ok I’m very bad at chess this is a warning

thats what i said, nerd

You can join now btw, kat.

I won’t play super seriously since soolit is new.

“he memed and then he didn’t meme”

implies you started off memeing

im already watching


my plans keep getting smushed


jane are you throwing :eyes:


soolit said she was new, so :slight_smile:

soolit is kinda letting me get away with things I shouldn’t get away, so : /

that rook was open for like, 5 turns

other than that i don’t think sulits playing bad

like shes not doing the best plays but shes not actively doing bad plays :eyes:


no pressure


I’m going to immediately mess this up

Watch me

i mean you’re so far up that you almost can’t lose

and your last few turns have all been good

Yeah, you pretty much can’t lose anymore :slight_smile:

No pressure.