Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ill watch and make fun of whoever loses

please make fun of me


your name is ami

its ami, a mario


I did the thing.

i mean
its Amy which is very basic tbh


i expected more blunders

me too, tbh.

how do you know if something is a blunder or a bait

nvm thats probably obvious

You find out by assuming it’s a blunder and trying to take advantage of it.


lmk when the nerd joins so i can spec

i actually played chess two days ago but it was against myself

did you win

they better join
otherwise ill be sad

I have no idea what I’m doing

I was in chess club in first grade and that’s about the extent of my chess knowledge


the nerd is in

You can join.

it was a stalemate

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