Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

dude me too

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Let me post this forum

ur pfp

is godlike

yours too

i wanna change my pfp but everybody tells me this is iconic

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would it be possible for you to talk to xblade about raising the like limit for TL2 a bit?

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only to the golden cat, if anything

it is iconic

if it is to pics of your own cat then change it

otherwise keep

it is iconic

I would like this is society said i could

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you should make your pfp albedo

I’m going to DM him about it once he’s less busy

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True gamers bypass the limit by like clipping

deadass just remove the like limit
it’s stupid

I think there are generally far too many neutrals and a lot of them have really weird/convoluted win cons that look different, but actually boil down to the already known concepts. Not talking about FoL specifically, but in general.

Don’t quite understand where this comes from either, but its a thing that I noticed too.


I’m going to murder my cat

she has been meowing at my door for the past half hour

you are cute but I hate you

the proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon.


would love to change my pfp to this




spam notifs is a potential problem, esp if people can make dummy accounts on vpns to nuke someone’s inbox

Cuteness Overload!!