Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I mean yeah, but it’s still just about the worst way to resolve that problem.

ur mayor seems like a chill dude

that was supposed to be a reply to Ans


we had people blocking traffic on the highway during rush hour a couple years ago and that was basically fine? or at least superior to lighting buildings on fire??

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thats a hot take

Yeah i’d

Much rather be stuck in traffic for a few hours than have my building be lit on fire

Is the confusing part of the sentence ‘why are your police doing that’ or ‘why are people protesting that’

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“america” is a good answer for both tbf


Obviously the first one. That phrase just makes no sense to me. I’m aware that sometimes law forces have to deal with violent criminals but killing unarmed people?
How the hell is this a thing.

Alright mod chloe time

Talking about what is happening is one thing

If we’re going to talk about why, we should probably not do this here and move to discord

Also for some reason it feels like you think I’m a psychopath if you had to ask that question.
I’m messed up but not that much.



It’s not like I’m planning to have a discussion about this.

I was more parsing it as a local norms thing

like someone from somewhere where the police don’t kill unarmed people would be more likely to mean it in the first way whereas somewhere where the police do it regularly would be more likely to mean it in the second way (sort of like how I wouldn’t expect protests over, I don’t know, some random shoplifter being sent to jail for shoplifting, because that’s a normal occurrence)

that whole situation is yikes

the shooting was tragic but the response is not really… what i’d expect

I honestly think that the looters aren’t actually doing it for the cause and just doing it as a cover for chaos and stealing


Also I just noticed you are back to green again.
It’s a shame.

it wasnt a shooting

but yes

Why would a looter loot a random store for the cause,

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Green bad

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right i knew that

just used to things being a shooting