Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Either way, cya y’all. I’ll be back talking in here again in like 2 weeks or smthn.


Not arguing against that, I think I’m predisposed to going soft on nerds :^)

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That… Sounds pretty serious. I really hope you will be able to get the help you need soon.


Okay so wazza

I think you learned a valuable lesson

Just dont fall down the stairs 4head

on a serious note i hope youre alright and ily


replace the pandemic with “its too expensive” and i can relate :^)

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I was going to say something but it’s probably private information.
But I bet you can guess the joke I was going to make.

theres like 4 lines of thought i can think of and im not sure which one because i don’t know how much you know

This does not help me viewing you as a DnD nerd

Well I am

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Ha, my heartrate used to be 90 and it’s now dropped to 50-60bpm and I can’t sleep because I keep ‘forgetting’ to breath

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Up to u. I love em

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this sounds awful and im sorry

but it sounds silly cause like “just breathe lol” and then i remembered i frequently forget to eat

“just eat lol”

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:slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


When I’m in the state where you can’t volunarily wake up but you’re still awake I can’t breathe during that
For some reason
I have to manually breathe

does that mean saying

You are now manually breathing.

is extra evil on you?

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This thing never works on me.
Feels good being immune to mind control :^)

You are now a nerd.


Hilarious pop in


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