Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Meanwhile, KyoDaz’s website:

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@katze if you wish to try and break something

I have, so far:

  • Created the vital buttons
  • Setup website hosting
  • Setup a basic CSS gradient background
  • Created a function for the ‘Export’ button to utilize
  • Created a variable being the input of the different fields
  • Created a window object to display as an Export feature

I’m tired now. I’m going to sleep.

i dont think theres any features to break yet

That’s because there are no features at all

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well the current tradeoff seems to be ‘fewer things on fire’ for ‘greater police and military presence, + greater legal restrictions on doing things like “being outside” or “crossing bridges”’

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which given how this started has obvious problems

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ik you’ve probably heard this like 800 times
just please stay safe arete


burn people
that’s how you fix problems

im here to


about your


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spoons are for people who don’t have the gall to use their face

spoons are for weaklings who can’t pick up soup with chopsticks

chopsticks are for weaklings who don’t eat soup like cats/dogs drink water

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Eating and drinking is for weaklings

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existence is for the weak

obsessively eating spicy cheetos

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