Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

want me to give you your title? im assuming you dont wanna keep this one lol

if you could change it to

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: Boxed In :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

that would be appreciated

I think you have to copy-paste the actual emoji for it to work



those joycats look so sad

i blame discourse

Self reminder to stop looking at a few reddit pages in particular that make me sad by skimming them

sometimes i’ll look at subs that make me literally sick but I can’t help it

things like r/medizzy r/wtf /rmakemesuffer r/conservative

looking at reddit pages for unis you wanted but were rejected from is def more sad than anything else

oh that is depressing

just read all of the posts that shit on the college from the attendees to make yourself feel better :^)

i hate how good deltarune repainted is
it’s just supposed to be a shitpost

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when a shitpost has heart

it can be high-quality

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It’s godly

Bruh, there are so many setups I want to run, but the queue is full. You guys need more reviewers than submitters.

In fact, I know I didn’t apply for the position of reviewer (because I’m not certain about how good I am at balancing), but if you guys need help (and I feel like you do), then hit me up. I could review some stuff.

I wanna play your setups Vulgard-sama UwU

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Gone are the glory days when I could just host something at random, because we had 0 organization, queues, anything.

just hosts miscs
or off site

Be patient Katze. We’ll get more games ongoing soon on this website.

I host a misc, but it’s actually just FM.
Sneak 100.

would be nice if games started on time tho

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