Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)




MySQL keeps saying duplicate entry '1' for key 'primary' even though there aren’t any fricking duplicate entries.

i left the discord
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I hate when im drinking ice + water and the ice gets all clumped up and binds together

Then i go to take a sip and the clump breaks apart and i get hit in the face with ice

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You drink ice? Wut?

You don’t drink ice?

i eat ice

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Ice water is best water.
Truly superb tastes.

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No. Never. That’s only in fancy restaurants

I dont even have a way to make water ice

this just happened to me last night I got water all over me


It doesnt help that im drinking out of a giant pizza-parlor-style 20oz cup lmfao

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Imagine being able to drink cold water
This post was made by the bad bowels gang

Why are you me

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i really hope you arent a younger me. i wouldnt wish that on anyone

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Bro i just did it again

Screw it
I dont need water

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My seat belt is locked

I can’t escape


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