Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

ig i did okay on my only offsite wolf game


scum got stomped and while I was the 2nd-to-last wolf alive we still got PoE’d and kinda mech fucked

I masterminded a situation in which wolves would have majority on student council (it was a dangan mash) and then it turns out that in the council chat they were told “btw only 1 wolf can get on lol get fucked”

And also a 5p neighborhood that had no wolves and a basically factional JoaT

wolves still didn’t do well

we didn’t have mech on our side

and our wolf partner came and randomly voted our best PR day 1 at the very last minute without consulting us and was the reason he got lynched

I think people overestimate my wolfgame offsite. I don’t have nearly as much experience as W, which makes it difficult for me to sound and act the same.

not only that, but Companions have been changed to require a 3 CMC sorcery to put them into your hand first before you can play them, meaning that there’s now actually some counterplay against their consitency and they’re all way slower

Which is why I want wolfgames. Give me wolfgames.

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Town was too good in that game in comparison to all of you as a unit. You played well, though.

I wish I would have good focus on other sites as wolf

I have a deck with a companion, but I always play the companion from my hand anywhere, so it’s whatever. It’s part of my decklist instead of being “sideboarded.” Meaning, this change doesn’t impact me at all, but it impacts everyone else :DDDD

When are the changes implemented in Arena?

I’ve only randed wolf off-site once in … 13 games, I think? something along those lines

i don’t know and quite frankly I don’t care


finally they’ve nuked that stupid deck from orbiit

The only deck I could never win against doesn’t have a tool to tempo smash me anymore. :DDD

It’s possible that it’s due to how little unique energy I bring to those games that doesn’t rely on me taking advantage of other people’s thought processes

yah we weren’t really a unit

when we were organizing stuco votes half of the team was like “oh yeah I voted for someone already was I not supposed to”


town also played really well so I can’t be that mad

Fuck it
Go full gigabrain off site


get this nerd MTGA talk to the thread

we keep terraria away from y’all

I want wolf games so i can improve

But then as soon as i get a wolf game my brain goes full stressmode


but they’re clearly excited and it’s cute even if I don’t know enough about the current meta to understand what they’re saying

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Playing wolf is indeed stressful. For me it’s a little weird, because I actually enjoy wolfing more. I like having TMI and using that to laugh at villagers.

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Problem is that people don’t go on vc as scum
That reduces my power

then go stalk them posting on the other thread

I don’t get it