Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

No fun allowed :angry:

No liking posts either

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Yeah, I typically decide upon a read on you pretty quickly when I see something that’s AI for you. How I manage to always find a random post thats “AI for you” is a mystery, though.

I overthink my posts a lot before I send them regardless of alignment.

i bet you thought i was gonna like that post

but i won’t



Sometimes I also flip my read around a little when you start doing weird things, but it’s usually temporary.

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The good thing is that it allows me to read you without bothering to ISO dive. Saves time.

I mean its just kinda how i function in general

Youve spoken to me in dms
I just kinda
Send stuff
Like this
Its just how my brain works

In forum games that can be very annoying, so im trying to work on it

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I always space out my posts like this

idk why

i just do


anyone whos DMed me knows im kind of like that too but i also just meme a lot unless the situation is very serious

which i dont know if any of you have seen me in “actually serious” mode, maybe chloe has

memes are great


i basically don’t write sentences on 2 different lines


i don’t like this

Definitely have

Like more than once, dummy

idk i forget how serious we get :sunglasses:

I do it because when they are too close together I think they are… harder to read?


i want my sentences to feel individual

bunching them together makes them less digestable


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never knew kat had run-ins with the law


You’re an easy read, so it’s fine.

I’m 100% confident that wagoning Chloe early in the game solves her alignment instantly.

Wait no

Dont do this

My anxiety

Please no

didnt you let her get away with being a blatant fucking wolf in insurgency :eyes:

…Why are y’all still awake?

you are an easy read

I have a simple flowchat

I can tell if arete is a villager

and if arete is a villager

they will know if you are