Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Ul’Thir’Bsadmnaodk is actually andogynous amongst elder beings from outside mortal comprehension, actually

on an unrelated note my armpits stink and i hate it and for fuck’s sake i cleaned them just an hour ago

thank you ici very cool

have you heard of


i’m wearing deoderant but i’m too smelly

Imagine being both hungry and not wanting to eat.
I’ve been trying to finish my food for 1 hour now and I still can’t.
Why am I like this.

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Also this is… a thing, apparently.

unfortunately i cannot make that thread not exist

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I wish you could.

So uh


Thingyman had a female avatar

Was never mislynched

Changed it to a guy

Got mislynched first game



Thats hilarious lol

shit i should change my avatar to a female cat



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But isn’t your pfp a female cat already.

please note that no force in the world could make me change my avatar to an anime girl

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Oh and that forum’s interface is really atrocious.
I almost forgot to mention it.

ur not allowed to say checkmate unless u beat me in chess :sunglasses:

yes everybody knows that

Maybe in 5 years when I finally get to remembering/relearning the rules.

So uh

I was gonna say same

And then I realized

hold on i think I might remember this one
gah which game was it