Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Oh jesus christ

this reminds me of Eevee`s Valkyire FM where people had to write a fanfic of eevee.

Classic Priest

Or it was Dota 2 fm

i cant remember which exactly, but its one of those two

you’re using a deck recipe
how much dust do you have?

None now, I spent it all on Classic Priest

why did you copy a deck recipe instead of searching up an actually good deck?

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I did search up good decks but they were all too expensive

and you haven’t played for long enough to get Demon Hunter, right?

I just got Demon Hunter

there’s a viable demon hunter deck that costs 0 dust

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shipping is beautiful

Shipping is a sin.

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boat noises

ill teach you

odd i make it [redacted]
even i make it [redacted]

@discobot roll d10

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 10

@discobot roll d10

I just died to Leeroy Jenkins charging me because I was on 9 HP